C*H*E*C*K*P*O*I*N*T 41 | 14th October 1973 |
This issue of Checkpoint, the fannish newszine, is just a tiny bit late; it should normally appear every three weeks or so, but the last issue was, I fear, several months ago. It won't happen again, honest... Checkpoint is published by Peter Roberts, Flat 4, 6 Westbourne Park Villas, London W2 – and that's a change of address, by the way.
Agents are: (USA) Charlie & Dena Brown, PO Box 3938, San Francisco, Ca. 94119; (Aus) Robin Johnson, Box 4039, Melbourne, Vic.3001; (RSA) Nick Shears, 52 Garden Way, Northcliff 4, Johannesburg.
For subscriptions, see below. Restormel Press Publications: 87. Eric Bentcliffe's Mi flies with this issue.
OK, ROBERTS, WHAT HAPPENED? Well, it's like this, you see: after the last of my exams back in June I found a job down in London (in the Difficult Languages Section of the British Museum, actually) and moved down there in July, staying temporarily with Greg Pickersgill. I managed to find a flat at the beginning of August (see address above), but then had to thump out a dissertation for a mid September deadline – an activity which took all my spare time. Duplicating problems beset me after that, but my own trusty machine has now been shipped down from Newcastle and I trust I can once again maintain regular fanzine production.
I did manage to produce an issue of Checkpoint back in July, but never found the time to send it out (except, for curious reasons, to Don Allen – yours is a rare copy, Don!); it's so dated now, that I've decided to junk it. .
I've also decided to change Checkpoint in several ways. Firstly, I intend to dispense with most science fiction news, notably the book lists which Gerald Bishop used to compile. Locus, Charlie and Dena Brown's US newszine, covers the sf field well and Gerald is now sending the British book lists straight to them. Most other sf news of any note also appears in Locus, so I recommend it to any serious sf fan. Checkpoint, however, will still contain an occasional supplement of book reviews and will continue to cover any sf activities which involve fans – conferences, cons, projects by fans, and so on. All I'm really cutting out is straight news of books, films, and the like. Anyone who subscribed purely for this sort of material is welcome to a refund.
The second point is that Checkpoint will now be twice its previous size – twelve pages or more, including fliers. As a result it'll be somewhat less frequent (though better than monthly, I hope). Subscriptions will thus be altered, as follows: 10/50p (UK & Europe), 4/$1 (US & Canada, airmail), 5/R1 (South Africa, airmail), and 6/$1 (Australia, airmail); I shall also take seamail subscriptions at the inland UK rate – I'll work that out for next issue. I shall honour present UK & European subscriptions, but I'm afraid the foreign airmail subs will be changed from next issue (send me a note if you'd prefer a refund or a change to seamail subscription).
Since Checkpoint will now be considerably larger, I'd welcome any letters – news, comment, or idle chatter. In other words, Checkpoint will now be available for locs. Since they're actually paying me for working, I can afford to subsidize a fanzine; subscriptions are thus not so necessary as they once were. If you don't subscribe, therefore, you may still find yourself on the mailing list – you'll find yourself in The Pit, however, if you don't make some response after three issues.
It'll take a couple of issues to get things straightened out, so please bear with me a while. Another Checkpoint should follow shortly. After all that, let's have some news...
LACon ALLEGATIONS The allegations of mismanagement of funds for the 1972 world convention in Los Angeles seem to have come to an end after the publishing of cancelled (ie, accepted) cheques by Milt Stevens on behalf of the LACon committee. These cheques to the printers of the Programme Book effectively show that the costs were as high as the committee said, tallying with the official figures printed in the financial report. It had been alleged, by Andy Porter and others, that these costs were absurdly high and that someone, therefore, had been making a considerable profit out of the convention. These, and further allegations, now seem to have been dropped. I don't intend to publish any of the letters I've received from either side, I'm afraid. This potential fannish parody of the Watergate affair appears to be over.
SUNDERLAND SF FESTIVAL From October 23rd to November 25th 1973 the Sunderland Arts Centre will be holding a festival entitled "Beyond This Horizon". On weekdays there will be plays, films, and special lectures; the main events, however, will be taking place over the weekends:
Oct 27-28th: Sf Films – introduced by Philip Strick.
Nov 2-4th: "The Widening Horizon" – George Hay chairs a factual discussion on space exploration. (NB. Novacon 3 is the same weekend)
Nov 10-11th: "Sf – A New Way of Expression" – serious discussion on sf organized by Pete Weston.
Nov 16-17th: Sf Poetry.
Nov 18th: Fantasy Fiction Day – organized by the BFS.
Nov 23-25th: Writers' Weekend – authors' panels.
During the festival there'll be a number of exhibitions of sf and related art in the Sunderland area. The next Checkpoint will contain considerably more information, but you can get a full brochure by sending an SAE to "Beyond This Horizon", Sunderland Arts Centre, 27 Frederick St, Sunderland.
TWO FOR TAFF: Nominations for TAFF, The Transatlantic Fan Fund, closed on August 15th with two British fans standing: Pete Weston and myself. I shall distribute ballots with the next issue and urge all of you, who are eligible, to vote – TAFF needs your support.
The fans signing my nomination are: Eric Bentcliffe, Gray Boak, Malcolm Edwards, Mike Glicksohn, and Bruce Pelz. Many thanks to them and to all other well-wishers and supporters. Pete Weston is nominated by Charlie Brown, Ethel Lindsay, Andy Porter, Andrew Stephenson, and Ian Williams.
CoAs: Greg Pickersgill, c/o Flat 1, 62 Elsham Rd, London W14.
Malcolm Edwards, 19 Ranmoor Gardens, Harrow, Middx. HA1 1UQ.
Bweek 20 (1p:A4;d) Seth McEvoy, Box 268, E.Lansing, Mi.48823, USA. (free) Just an announcement that Bweek, Seth's personal-cum-newszine is to fold – Seth's busy with Clarion Workshop. Sad to see it go.
Chao 12 (50pg:¼o:d) John Alderson, Havelock, Victoria 3465 Australia. (20P) A general contents fanzine, Chao nonetheless strongly reflects the personality of its editor – whether this is good or bad, I shall leave up to you! There's an article on Asimov, book and fmz reviews, letter column, and so on; I'm not that keen on it myself, but still.
Chronicle 2 (2pp:A4:p) Andy Porter, PO Box 4175, New York, NY 10017, USA. (16¢) A fannish newszine, though rather motivated by the LACon tangle, I suspect, Most of the issue is given over to various official figures from Bruce Pelz (see elsewhere in Checkpoint), Other items are of interest, however, and it could be very worthwhile if it continues.
Documents For The Defense (1p:A4:p) Milton Stevens, 9849 Tabor St. 3, Los Angeles, Ca.,90034, USA. (free) A rebuttal of the LA.Con allegations (see elsewhere in this issue of Checkpoint).
Forthcoming Sf Books 14 (6pp:A4:p} Joanne Burger, 55 Blue Bonnet Ct, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566, USA. (2/$1 airmail.) Lists of new sf releases in the US – recommended if you need such information in advance.
Gegenschein 9 (23pps:¼o:d) Eric Lindsay, 6 Hillcrest Av, Faulconbridge, NSW 2776, Australia. (UK Agent: James Goddard – 50¢) Rather like its companion Aussiezine, Chao, Gegenschein is a mixture and one that I, at least, find somewhat lacklustre; pieces in this issue are centred around spelling reform (which Eric practises) and speed-reading. No letters this time, they're reserved for:
Gegenschein 10 (23pp – as above) Devoted to letters – fairly interesting, but nothing special.
Granfalloon 16 (52pp:A4:d) Linda & Ron Bushyager, 1614 Evans Av, Prospect Park, Pa.19076, USA. (UK Agent: Philip Payne – 75¢). This issue of what is normally one of the better American fanzines strikes me as particularly fine; it's attractively presented with a folio of artwork by Jim McLeod and various good cartoons and illustrations, notably those by Steve Stiles and Vincent Difate. The contents are on a par with the artwork with some splendid fannish writing by Mike Glicksohn and Ginger Buchanan, plus a good fanzine review column by Jeff Glencannon. Letter column and the editorial (usually a weak spot) are also very readable and, for all I know, so may be a long piece on Kubrick's Clockwork Orange by Joelle Hrink. Recommended.
Instant Message 126-131 (av.8pp:A4:d) NESFA, P0 Box G. MIT Branch Station Cambridge, Mass.02139, USA. (membership $4 p.a) The frequency of this local newszine is putting Checkpoint to shame; it's issued for the New England S Association and is largely of regional interest, though the group is big enough and active enough for its activities to be of Wider concern. Neatly produced nowadays as well – good.
Inworlds 6 (6pp:A4:d) Bill Bowers, Box 148, Wadsworth, Ohio 44281 USA. (UK Agent: Terry Jeeves – 5/40p) A fanzine about fanzines which appears monthly, Inworlds always contains interesting fmz reviews (somewhat longer than these) and usually some other oddments and news. Useful and entertaining.
Kwalhioqua 2 (16pp:A4:d) Ed Cagle, Route 1, Leon, Kansas 67074, USA, (25¢) This is a back issue that I was missing; it's a fine fanzine – largely because of the personality and writings of its editor. Recommended.
Locus 143,144,145 (8p:A4:d) Charles and Dena Brown, PO Box 3938, San Francisco Ca.94119, USA. (UK Agent: Pete Weston – 10/£1.50 airmail) Like myself, the Browns have just moved – they've managed to keep Locus, the American sf newszine, somewhat more regular than Checkpoint, however. The contents are much the same: sf news, con reports, plus book and prozine reviews. Recommended for the serious sf fan.
Magnus 2 (32pp:A4:d) Eric Batard, Rue Kleber, 37500 Chinon, France. (4/65p) Another newszine, but a much larger and more infrequent one from France. There's a considerable emphasis on comics, but some sf stuff; of particular interest are reviews of fanzines from Finland and Portugal (fannish wastelands, I'd thought). Its in French, but with an English summary.
Midgard 21 (4pp:A4:d) Graham England, 11 Churchill Close, Didcot, Berks., 0X11 7BX (? free sample). This comes from the fantasy game of the same name which finally appears to have started, though with rather shaky foundations. It's too complex to explain here but notes on it have appeared in previous Checkpoints end Graham will probably send information.
Moebius Trip 17 (200pp:½fscp:d) Ed Connor, 1805 N.Gale, Peoria, I11.61604, USA.(75¢) This is undoubtedly the most unusual fanzine I've received in a long time, since Ed, plagued by the local post office, has produced an unequivocal book to comply with a rigid interpretation of reduced 'book' rate. The fanzine is paperback sized and neatly bound and presented – it has, I think, been duplicated on foolscap, then cut in mysterious ways. The actual contents are the same as those normally found in standard MTs – a variety of articles of fair to average quality and a fairly active and interesting letter column. But for this issue, just marvel at the format first and foremost – most enterprising.
Munich Round Up 129 (40pp:A4:p) Waldemar Kumming, 8 Munchen 2, Herzogspital str. 5, Germany. (5/$2.50) One of Germany's best known and longest-running fanzines, MRU is usually of greatest interest for its con reports and photos. None of the latter this time, however, but there are four conreps (no less), plus the usual large review section. In German.
Munich Round Up 130 (as above) A.E. van Vogt on Apollo 17, an interview with Walter Fuchs, and Larry Niven's Chessmancon speech – recommended.
Norstrilian News May & June/July (4pp:¼o:d) Robin Johnson, GPO Box 4039, Melbourne, Australia 3001. (UK Agent: me – 50p airmail) This is the standard Australian newszine with good coverage of Aussie events, fannish and sercon, and major events elsewhere.
Outworlds 16 (50pp:A4:d) Bill & Joan Bowers, Box 148, Wadsworth, Ohio 44281, USA. (UK Agent: Terry Jeeves – 25p) One of the top few fanzines in the States, Outworlds looks as fine as ever (though this issue is produced in a more standard fanzine format than is usual) with all illustrations on this occasion by Steve Fabian, a good artist though rather a poor cartoonist. Contents are particularly fine with an unpublished 'Carl Brandon' (Terry Carr) piece, a la Ballard, being outstanding. Also within is Robert Lowndes column (on Warhol's Heat) plus a massive letter column, swelled by a fighting missive from Harlan Ellison. Recommended.
Parenthesis l (8pp:A4:d) Frank Balazs, 19 High St, 9 Croton-on-Hudson, NY. 10520, USA. (free) A personalzine by one of the editors of The Anything Thing, it's chatty and fairly light; not outstanding, but pleasant.
Parenthesis 2 (12pp – as above) Much the same, with a variety of odds and ends, plus letters and suchlike.
Proper Boskonian 10 (30pp:A4:d) Tony Lewis c/o NESFA (see Instant Message) (50¢) I haven't seen this clubzine before, but if it's usually as fannish as this, I shall certainly look out for it. Main item is a con report by Sheila Gilbert; in itself it's rather pedestrian, but it's fantastically illustrated by Mike Gilbert, Tim Kirk, and Howie Green, the result being singularly impressive. Mike also has a curious comic strip of his own, 'The Rock Is Red', and Dian Pelz contributes a whimsical story. The whole thing is good-looking and enjoyable. Recommended.
Rataplan 11 (23pp:¼o:d) Leigh Edmonds, PO Box 74, Balaclava, Vic. 3183 Australia. (4/$1.60) A FAPAzine with a variety of contents, this issue of Rataplan must be particularly recommended for an Ed Cagle piece of wit; other items, including letters and personal pieces, are also entertaining.
Rude Pravo 4 (4pp;¼o:d) Graham England (see Midgard) (10p – with Midgard) More items on the fantasy game of Midgard – write if you're interested.
Scab 1 (4pp:¼o:d) John Brosnan, Flat 1, 62 Elsham Rd, Kensington, London W14. (free) A gossip fanzine, mostly dagger thrusts at London, and ratfandom, in particular. Undoubtedly somewhat esoteric, it should nonetheless produce lots of laffs for any fannish reader. Fanzine specialists should note that two marginally different editions exist; I have the rare one, for what it's worth...
Son of the WSFA Journal 88,89,92,93 (av.10pp:A4:d) Don Miller, 12315 Judson Rd, Wheaton, Md.20906 USA, (UK Agent: Eric Bentcliffe – 10/80p) Mostly concerned with reviews, but there are some items of news and comment – SOTWJ is not essential, but frequently useful and of interest; it's very regular too.
Spoor 1 (12pp:A4: sd) Fred Adams, R.D.1 Box 498, Lemont Furnace, Pa. 15456, USA: (25cents) This fanzine seems largely concerned with the field of horror fiction and the main item is a 'directory' of about 28 fanzines, virtually all in the same sub-genre (except for Egg, yet!). It may be useful, if that is what interests you.
Spoor 2 (17pp – as above) Continuation of the 'directory' plus a few other items – interview with Dale Donaldson, &c. It's rather a poor-looking, spirit-duplicated fanzine. Spoor 2¾ also arrived with a few items of news.
Starling 25 (36pp:A4:d) Hank & Lesleigh Luttrell, 525 W. Main 1, Madison, Wisconsin 53703, USA. (50¢) This is a splendid issue of a fanzine which is usually good, but often devoted to rock and sundry subjects I find of minor interest. First excellent item is a collection of reprints from Grant Canfield's small circulation fanzine, Wastepaper: it's a fine example of good American fannish humour. Another goodie is A.M.Schneider's "The Frisbee Players of Titan" which speaks for itself. Andrew Darlington also talks about Dan Dare, Lesleigh Luttrell considers Miss Tey, there's a review column and a good letter column – fine cartooning too, Recommended.
Tellus International 4 (14pp:A4:p) Gerd Hallenberger, D-355 Marburg, Sudenstr.18, Germany. 10/DM6) Another newszine, in English, which deals with European news, both sf and fannish. It might be better if it was more frequent and smaller – most major items are covered first elsewhere. Still of value, however.
The Anything Thing 6 (40pp:A4:d) Frank Balazs & Matthew Schneck, 19 High St, Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520, USA. (15p) A fairly pleasant, but unexceptional fanzine, TaT presents light, mainly fannish material (including pieces from Donn Brazier and Aljo Svoboda) – enjoyable.
The Earl of Beaconsfield (1p:¼o:d) Hartley Patterson, Finches, 7 Cambridge Rd, Beaconsfield, Bucks., HP9 1HW. (free] An obituary for Hartley's Eurocon oriented fanzine, Benjamin Disraeli, which died for lack of reaction – a shame, since it looked a good idea.
The Faraway Times 2 (1p:½A4:d) Seth McEvoy (see Bweek) (free) Odd and bizarre reports on the world of Midgard (q.v.).
The Gafiate's Intelligencer 1 & 2 (6, 8pp:A4:d) Ted White, John Berry, rich brown, Colleen Brown, & Terry Hughes, PO Box 409, Falls Church, Va. 22046. (free) A fabulous fannish fanzine from the nucleus of renowned fans in Falls Church, Virginia. It's virtually a combozine – in other words everyone writes a couple of pages – rather than a standard articles and letters fanzine, Very fine, however, and recommended.
The Middle Earthworm 20 (20pp:A4:d) Archie Mercer, 21 Trenethick Parc, Helston, Cornwall, TR13 8LH. (free) A Tolkien and general fantasy letterzine – usually of some interest to non LotR fans.
The Spirit of Fan 1 (8pp:A4:sd) Julien Raasveld, Goedentijd 11, B-2710 Hoboken, Belgium. (free) Put out for OMPA and PAPA, this is just a sma11 introductory zine. Quite an interesting article by Ron Bennett, however, on the techniques of comic buying in Singapore.
Title 15 (22pp:A4:d) Donn Brazier, 1455 Fawnvalley Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63131, USA, (25¢) An odd compendium of quotations from letters and suchlike with an article or two added; it looks and is interesting, though if the few, and pitiful drawings were removed it would look less like a crudzine.
Wooden Nickel 3,4,5,6 (2pp:A4:d) Arnie Katz, 59 Livingston St, Apt 6B, Brooklyn, NY.11201, USA. (free) A small circulation personalzine – very fannish, of course, and very regular too, Nice one, Arnie.
THE PIT No one takes the plunge this time, but I should note that non-subscribers may not see the next issue if there's an 'R' on the end of the address label (that simply indicates that a fanzine of yours is reviewed within); then again, they may. It's all dependent on editorial whim...
Peter Roberts
Flat 4,
6 Westbourne Park Villas
London W2
(Return requested, if
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