CHECKPOINT 32 | 24th Feb. 1973 |
Checkpoint is a fortnightly news and reviews zine published by Peter Roberts, 87 West Town Lane, Bristol, BS4 5DZ, UK. Subs are 10/40p (2nd Class & Europe) and 6/$1 or 8/R1 (foreign airmail). Sample copy free.
Agents: (USA) Charlie & Dena Brown, 3400 Ulloa St, San Francisco, Calif. 94116; (Aus) David Grigg, Box 100, Carlton South, Vic.3053; (RSA) Nick Shears, 52 Garden Way, Northcliffe 4, Johannesburg, Transvaal.
News this issue from: Gerald Bishop, Andy Porter (US), Simon Joukes (Bel).
Restormel Press Publication: 76. mi 5 flies with this issue.
SAMUEL DELANY, GoH: "OMPAcon 73 are proud to announce that Samuel R. "Chip" Delany, Nebula & Hugo award winner, has agreed to be guest of honour at this year's Eastercon." The Convention is at the Grand Hotel, Bristol, over Easter weekend (April 20-23rd). Registration is 50p to Fred Hemmings, 20 Beech Rd, Slough, Bucks, SL3 7DQ. The third Progress Report is due out within a week or so and the deadline for advertising in the Programme Book has been changed – it's now March 15th.
ALGOL ELIGIBLE: Andy Porter has resigned from the TORCON 2 committee "in order to keep Algol eligible for the Hugo." This follows the similar resignation of Mike & Susan Glicksohn, announced in Checkpoint 30. Andy has another reason for resigning, however, namely: "the ruling given out by the committee as regards previous business sessions. Either the conventions are going to be run for what will benefit fandom, or they are going to be run for the benefit of Roberts Rules Of Order – the only organization, if it actually exists, which is going to benefit from the Smookler Ruling." – This refers to "the piece of legalese" circulated with the last Progress Report and mentioned in Checkpoint 29. Deadline for Hugo nominations is April 1st, by the way
NEWS FROM NEW YORK: (Andy Porter) "The SFWA Banquet is in limbo, now that the Silverberg's have moved to San Francisco. No one knows where or when, which is a distinct problem. Rich & Collen Brown and John D. Berry have moved to the Washington DC area. Rich will be working for Reuters and has folded Beardmutterings. The Star Trek convention attracted a total of 6000 attendees and was written up in The New York Times ((also The Guardian)). The Lunarians, 1957-founded NY fangroup, are rewriting their constitution, which should please constitution-writers in fandom (a lot, I suspect). The Balticon, held on the same weekend as the Star Trek con, attracted about 250 fans, nearly all hardcore sf types; a good idea in the future might be to have sf conventions the same weekend as comicbook cons, &c, to weed out the chaff, as it were."
BENELUXCON 1: Simon Joukes asks that I correct the impression in the last issue of Checkpoint that he is the con organizer – the Ghent Group of SFAN should get the credit. BENELUXCON 1 is also the official title and not SFANCON 4. Simon adds "I believe this con will be very interesting for British fans and it'll also be a trial, on a somewhat smaller scale, for next year's Eurocon 2 in Brussels (combined with SFANCON 5, Aug.28-Sept.4th 1974 in the Manhattan World Trade Centre, Brussels.)"
Amoeboid Scunge 9 (4pp:A4:d) Jay Cornell & Seth McEvoy, 105 E.Wilson, MSU, E.Lansing, Mi.48823, USA. (free) Another fortnightly issue of a small and silly fanzine – shows signs of turning into a fannish newszine. Recommended.
Instant Message 120 (8pp:A4:d) NESFA, PO Box G, MIT Branch Station, Cambridge, Ma.02139, USA. (?) Almost illegible, but I can make out that it's the news-zine of the New England Sf Assoc. There's no layout and potentially interesting news items may be buried within pages of closely typed officialese.
Sfinx 7 (25pp:A4:p) Kevin Smith & Allan Scott, Oriel College, Oxford. (15p) This is an all fiction magazine and, though I haven't read this issue yet, is generally far superior to the normal fanfic collection. Contributors include Rob Holdstock, Mike Rohan, Robert Jackson and Kev Smith.
Vector 63 (40pp:[o:p) Malcolm Edwards, 75a Harrow View, Harrow, Middx. HA1 1RF. (30p) Slightly late, but nevertheless good and far more regular than it ever has been, Vector 63 is a special Brian Aldiss issue with a couple of articles by Brian and critical material from Harry Harrison, James Blish, and Philip Strick. Also included are some rather fine illustrations from Dave Rowe and Andrew Stephenson and the regular news section from Archie Mercer. Next issue is due out shortly. Recommended.
WAITING FOR THE POSTMAN, but, o lordy, he jus' don' come. Admittedly it has not been that long since the last two issues; but I would appreciate any news you might have. Book news, however, should be back next time, and I'll soon be sending out ballots for the annual Checkpoint Fan Poll – start thinking, eh? Meanwhile, following in the steps of the 'Axe' column in Focal Point, we have the final egoboo (see your name mentioned!) for defaulting subscribers...
THE PIT: Subscriptions expire and the abyss yawns for the following: Peter Darling, James Goddard, Brian Temple, Seth McEvoy (US), Kenneth Hicks (US), Mel Merzon (US), & Paul Keske (US). Please renew soon.
AND THE PENDULUM: It's swinging down on the following who have one more issue before The Pit! James Campbell and James Farley (US).
::::: : : : : ::::: | A number in the box opposite denotes the last issue number of your sub and even a letter may mean something – like 'S' (sample only), 'R' (review within), or 'T' (trade) and 'N' (news supplied & thanks). Fun isn't it? |
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