CHECKPOINT 28 | 31st Dec. 1972 |
Checkpoint is a fortnightly news and reviews zine published by Peter Roberts, 87 West Town Lane, Bristol, BS4 5DZ, UK. Subs are 10/40p (2nd class & Europe) and 6/$1 or 8/R1 (foreign airmail). Sample copy free.
Agents: (USA) Charlie & Dena Brown, 3400 Ulloa St, San Francisco, Calif. 94116; (Aus) David Grigg, Box 100, Carlton South, Vic.3053; (RSA) Nick Shears, 52 Garden Way, Northcliff Ext.4, Johannesburg, Transvaal.
News this issue from: Robert Jackson, Don Allen, Julien Raasveld, Ed Connor, Harry Bell, Ian Maule, James Parkhill-Rathbone, Mary Legg.
mi 3 is a flier with this issue. Restormel Press Pub. 72.
AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR... My thanks to everyone who sent Christmas cards and greetings. Checkpoint has been taking an end of year break whilst I've been in Bristol and far away from the Potteries-based duplicator – not, I should note, that there's been that much news coming in anyway; most of the time has, I rather think, been spent watching tv. Nigel Kneale, the Quatermass writer, had a rather fine play on tv (Christmas Day) called 'The Stone Tape'. Brian Aldiss appeared earlier on 'Panorama' talking, of all things, on Mars, and Dr.Who has made several appearances – the latest including all three doctors (William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, & Jon Pertwee). Promised shortly are interviews with Star Trek characters, William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Now, however, I'm back in Newcastle and away from the Idiots' Lantern – and you can all think of me sitting here waiting for the news to pour in... |
NOT WITH A WHIMPER... Robert Jackson reports on the last hurrah of the Novacon – the events of Sunday evening when "Mike Moorcock and Charles Platt arrived. Chris Priest mischievously asked Allan Scott to repeat for Mike's benefit what he'd said about a certain author's S&S books (excepting Stormbringer) on the fantasy panel that afternoon, but Allan was understandably reticent. Later the New Worlds people went downstairs to the bar, leaving Anne McCaffrey and the rest to exchange Jewish jokes upstairs. After Moorcock and Platt had departed, Brian Aldiss came back upstairs and reported Mike's attempt to buy a bottle of whisky which was visible on the back of the bar. The management were astonishingly reluctant to part with it and Mike eventually paid an exhorbitant price. What would he have paid for it in singles?" Robert also notes that there was another Gannet at the Novacon besides Ian Maule, namely himself. Sorry about that, squire.
Aleph Informations 4 (18pp:A4:x) Jacques Soulier, 3 Allee de Beziers, 69190 Saint-Fons, France. (Free to Aleph members) Assorted reviews of recent tv, books, films, and even opera related to sf. In French.
Chao 10 (48pp:¼o:d) John Alderson, Havelock, Vic. 3465, Australia. (40¢) A peculiar and very individual fanzine, largely thanks to its editor. Most of it is personal, but there are some outside fanzine reviews and a letter column; altogether it's an untypical fanzine which you'll have to decide upon yourselves... personally, I'm not too keen.
Chunder 5 (20pp:¼o:d) John Foyster, 6 Clowes St, SouthYarra, Vic.3141, Australia, (free?) A collection of fannish reports, Chunder includes John Bangsund on a Sydney Sf Foundation meeting, Mike O'Brien on Tasmanian fandom, and Mervyn Barrett on, curiously, Scicon 70; not a very cohesive fanzine – but recommended nonetheless.
Cypher 8 (82pp:A4:d) James Goddard & Mike Sandow, Woodlands Lodge, Woodlands., Southampton, Hants. (20p) Cypher is a massive fanzine largely devoted to science fiction. This issue lays particular emphasis on Ted Tubb, Phil Harbottle writing the first part of an evaluation of his work plus a separate critique of his early novels; Ted Tubb himself has a piece on sf of the fifties. Each to his own, but really the pulp rubbish of the Volsted Gridban era should be left to rot in peace. Other than this Cypher contains a cartoon strip, an interview with Robert Powell (from Doomwatch), a piece by Walter Gillings, book reviews, and letters. It's still a rather unattractive fanzine in appearance and it generally lacks appeal for me; however many people do enjoy it and it's certainly worth examining.
Fanews 55 (12pp:A4:p) Ralf Kleinschnittger, 5868 Letmathe, Theodor-Hürth-Strasse 61, Germany. (10/4DM) A new editor and a new format, but Fanews continues with its survey of German sf and fandom – the only German newszine that's regular, I believe. Recommended. In German.
Fanews 56 (8pp – as above)
Forthcoming Sf Books 10 (4pp.A4:d) Joanne Burger, 55 Blue Bonnet Ct, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566, USA. (3/$1 – airmail) Lists US sf books from October to December.
Julien C.Raasveld's Fanmagazine 0 (1pp:A4:sd) Julien Raasveld, Goodontijd 11, B-2710 Hoboken, Belgium, (free) Just an announcement of a new address (NB) and plans for the future of the magazine. In English.
Kwalhioqua 1 (11pp:A4:d) Ed Cagle, Route 1, Leon, Ks.67074, USA. (free?) A rather messy first issue of what promises to be a personal zine; no virtue in it at the moment, but it may blossom...
Les Spinge 26 (l2pp:¼o:d) Darroll & Ro Pardoe, 24 Othello Close, Hartford, Huntingdon, PE18 7SU. (free) Another issue rapidly following on the last two; there isn't too much – a brief Novacon report, some letters, and a few ramblings – however it's all pleasant and attractively produced too.
Locus 126 (8pp:A4:d) Charlie & Dena Brown, 3400 Ulloa St, San Francisco, Calif. 94116, USA. (10/$3.50 – airmail) UK Agent: Pete Weston. The leading American news zine, mainly concentrating on sf. This issue also includes Terry Carr on the LACon.
Locus 127 (as above – 10pp) Terry Carr on a trip to the Beagles (of Last Unicorn and mainstream fame).
Locus 128 (as above) Terry Carr on Bob Tucker.
M31 2 (54pp:A4:d) Ron Clarke, 78 Redgrave Rd, Normanhurst, NSW2076, Australia. ($5 – no spare copies!) A mixed fanzine containing elements of Ron's other zines – locs from The Mentor and The Penultimate Blimp, for example – plus a few articles and another installment of 'Australian Sf Fans'; this time it's Bob Smith. All in all it's fairly enjoyable.
Maule's Well 1 (4pp:¼o:d) Ian Maule, 13 Weardale Av, Forest Hall, Newcastle on Tyne, NE12 0HX. (free) A new personal zine with a few ramblings – including some notes on Novacon.
Maya 5 (34pps:¼o:d) Ian Maule (as above) (20p) A fine, fannish fanzine and now one of the best-looking productions in Britain. This issue has an entertaining column by Ian Williams, lesser material from Andrew Stephenson, Lisa Conesa, and Darrell Schweitzer, and a good letter and fanzine review column. Recommended.
Maybe 21 (28pp:A4:p) Irvin Koch, 835 Chatt.Bnk.Bldg., Chattanooga, Tn 37402, USA. (50¢) Maybe has the worst artwork I've seen in any fanzine since Osfan and the worst layout in a printed zine bar none (no, not even RQ) – and the contents, mostly poor letters and short fanzine reviews, don't save it from the crudzine pile.
Moebius Trip 15 (60pp:A4:d) Ed Connor, 1805 N Gale, Peoria, Ill.61604, USA. A large fanzine which invariably contains something good, though rather in the manner of a bran tub; this issue Walt Liebscher has an occasionally amusing piece, otherwise there's an interview with James Schmitz, an ugly contribution from Jack Wodhams, and assorted others of various qualities. Quite lively, quite interesting.
Mota 6 (23pp:A4:d) Terry Hughes, Rt 3, Windsor, Mo.65360, USA. (25¢) A fabulous fannish fanzine with an idiot mixture – Grant Canfield on the lure of dominoes, Lee Hoffman on crime, Creath Thorne on fandom, plus ramblings and letters. Recommended.
Munich Round Up 126 (40pp:A4:p) Waldemar Kumming, 8 München 2, Herzogspitalstrasse 5, Germany. (DM 1) Mostly given over to a Trieste Eurocon report with photo pages. Recommended. In German.
Munich Round Up 127 (38pp – as above) Warburg conrep, book and film reviews, and further photo pages.
Norstrilian News 4/1 (6pp:¼o:d) Robin Johnson, Box 4039, Melbourne, Vic. 3001, Australia. (5/50p – I'm UK Agent) The Australian newszine – this issue includes an LAcon report, plus local news.
OQ 2 (41pp:A4:p) Gordon van Toen, 74/2 Castlebury Crescent, Willowdale, Ontario, Canada. (50¢) Still somewhat messy, like the old Osfic, but nonetheless this Ontario clubzine is one of the more enjoyable of its type; Mike Glicksohn contributes fanzine reviews and there's a column from Susan Glicksohn, plus reviews and a Mack Reynolds short story.
Outworlds 3/5 (40pp:A4:d) Bill & Jean Bowers, PO Box 354, Wadsworth, Oh. 44281, USA. (60¢ – UK Agent: Terry Jeeves, 20p) One of the finely produced American fanzines, Outworlds has some particularly splendid cartoonwork by Mike Gilbert and Dan Steffan in this issue. The contents, however, don't lag far behind: Robert Lowndes attacks swearing, Rick Stooker tells a dirty story, Piers Anthony criticizes, and. Leon Taylor looks at Silverberg. Recommended.
Paranoid 3 (4pp:¼o:d) Ian Maule (see Maule's Well) (free) The last issue, containing no more than a brief loc column.
The remaining half dozen will have to wait until next issue, I fear....
::::: : : : : ::::: | Last issue if crossed or marked 'S' (sample) or 'R' (review within); a number indicates the last issue before your sub expires. |
RUMOURS AND VAGUE PROJECTS: Gannet fandom having taken to issuing various small personalzines, there's talk of starting a Gannetapa – not so much an amateur publishing association as a way of saving on postage. // Brian Temple, another Gannet, has gone yet further and is considering establishing ROMPA – a Rival Off-Trails Magazine Publishers' Association. // There is speculation that Granfalloon, like Energumen, will be folding after an issue or two. // Fiawol, the American fannish newszine, appears to have folded. // Outworlds is about to change again – it'll probably become larger.
OLD FANS, BUT NOT TIRED: Don Allen writes: "Jim Cawthorne and a few assorted oldies from the North East Sf Society will be gathering here shortly for a bit of a knees up. Possibly New Years Eve. I've applied for permission to have parking facilities available for all the wheelchairs..." // James Parkhill-Rathbone, thirties fan and sometime associate editor of Science Fantasy, thinks "it would be good to have some fans meeting here at my place in London." Anyone interested can phone (435-4801) or write (9 Lyndhurst Rd, Hampstead, NW3).
BOOKS ON THE FRINGE: James Parkhill-Rathbone is also editor of The Idler and Academy paperbacks are bringing out an illustrated anthology, The Idler's Pocket Companion, next Spring; only drawback is the £1.50 pricetag. // Mary Legg has noticed The Cruise of the Aardvark by Ogden Nash at 90p – a must for Silly Animal Fans, of course.
SFANCON 4: Held in Ghent, Belgium, on May 19th and 20th, SFANCON has Brian Aldiss as Guest of Honour and Gerd Kallenberger as fan Guest of Honour. Attending membership is £1. I haven't an address, but try writing to Julien Raasveld (address in fmzs rvwd) for information.
Peter Roberts....
87 West Town Lane
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