Checkpoint is a news and reviews zine published by Peter Roberts, The Hawthorns, Keele, Staffs, UK. Subs are available at 5/20p (2nd Class & Europe) or 6/$1 (foreign airmail) – longer subs (10/40p) welcome. North American Agents: Charlie & Dena Brown, 2078 Anthony Av, Bronx, NY.10457, USA. Australian Agent: David Grigg, 1556 Main Rd, Research, Victoria 3095.
Restormel Press Publication: 54. Australia in 75!
LARRY NIVEN, CHESSMANCON GoH: The second issue of Meteor gives further details of the forthcoming British Eastercon, including the fact that Larry Niven is to be Guest of Honour and will be travelling over here with his wife, 'Fuzzy Pink'. Other speakers likely to appear are John Brunner, Ken Bulmer, Harry Harrison, and Philip Strick (possibly Brian Aldiss as well). A film competition (amateur), fancy dress party, and chess tournament are also planned.
Membership is currently at 126 (with 10 from the USA, 7 from Germany, 3 from Sweden, and one from Holland) and is available at 50p from Tony Edwards, 4 Admel Sq, Hulme, Manchester. The con is, of course, over Easter weekend at the Blossoms Hotel (£3 single b&b) in Chester.
TOLKIEN: Professor Tolkien was 80 earlier this month and, not unsurprisingly, articles have been appearing thick and fast. I've noted a couple in The Guardian (which is running a readers' debate on the merits of Lord of the Rings at the moment) and one in The Sunday Times (Jan 2nd) with a photo by Lord Snowdon. Review on BBC 2 is doing a programme on Tolkien, though its initial appearance was cancelled after Chevalier's death. Allen & Unwin are also issuing special display material to booksellers this year.
The British Tolkien Society appears to be reorganizing itself after recent troubles and inactivity. The AGM was being held at Keith Bridges' home on Saturday 15th January, but I've no details of that yet.
MERVYN PEAKE: The National Book League (7 Albemarle St, London W1) is presenting an exhibition of the writings and drawings of Mervyn Peake until the 25th January. It's open from 10am to 6pm on weekdays and 2pm to 6pm on Sundays (25p admission). Readers of 'Book News for SF Freaks' last issue will have already noted Penguin's publishing of Mr Pye on January 27th. The Guardian had an article on Peake and his life in Sark (with bizarre photo) in the edition of January 5th.
BRUM GROUP: The Novacon has now become an official activity of the Birmingham Group – "This is to ensure that it does have a future, not to grasp any sort of 'power'," says Pete Weston. 66 people are now on the membership list which is open to all and includes the 12 monthly bulletins (50p to Geoff WInterman, 509 Jockey Rd, Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield.)
ADVENTION: (David Gridd). Advention, the first con ever to be held in Adelaide, was one of the most informal and outlandish conventions ever seen in Australia. The committee's advertising campaign was not as good as it should have been so only about fifty people turned up, though this turned out to be about right in terms of accommodation.
The organizers were the Adelaide University SF Association who hired a converted farmhouse at Belair National Park in the rugged hills of Adelaide. Fans were housed in two large dormitories, giving the whole thing a strange, youth-camp effect. Now we know just which fans snore... Cooking was done at the farmhouse by the femmefans present and was a credit to their ability.
Bushwalks and talking to pretty femmefans occupied more of the weekend (Dec 31st-Jan 3rd) than the programme; but some interesting items were discussed all the same, the main star being a round-table discussion held by Jeff Harris on 'Pseudo Science in SF'. The first half was held unofficially at 3am when half a dozen fans, suffering from sleep deprivation and muscle fatigue after a midnight bushwalk, thrashed out the theory behind the Slaver stasis field. Late on the Sunday an informal jam session occurred with John Bangsund (piano), Lee Harding (vocal), and Merv Binns (whistle); this lasted nearly two hours and ended with nearly the whole convention crammed into a room around the piano.
Advention was certainly no average Australian con: the organization was almost nil, the programme sparsely attended, and the consite incredible; but it was, all in all, the most informal and socially enjoyable con I have ever attended.
BOOK NEWS FOR SF FREAKS: (Gerald Bishop). Add to January list: Hardback: Faber: Var the Stick (Anthony) Cape: Our Gang (Starring Tricky & His Friends) (Roth).
Paperback: Penguin: Chocky & The Chrysalids (Wyndham), Brave New World (Huxley), 1984 (Orwell), Catseye (Norton), The Weathermonger (Peter Dickinson) - last two are juveniles.
February: Hardback: Hale: Voice from Earth (J.M.Graham), The Time Winder (H.U.Bevis). Souvenir: Mutant 59: The Plastic Eater (Pedler & Davis). Cape: For Fear of Little Men (John Blackburn), The Tenth Session (Rafe Quilty).
Paperback: Panther: Bug Jack Barren (Spinrad). Corgi: Venus + X (Sturgeon). Sphere: The Alley God (Farmer), The Pawns of Null A & The World of Null A (van Vogt), Moonchild (Aleister Crowley). NEL: Agent of Chaos (Spinrad), Through A Glass Clearly (Asimov), The Weapon Makers & The Weapon Shops of Isher (van Vogt). Pan: This Perfect Day (Ira Levin), Command Morning (Pearl Buck).
WEIRD TALES: The massive fanzine list is the result of the US dock strike's aftermath – some of these arrived with October postmarks, so American faneds please note and excuse any delays on the part of British fans. // Pete Presford (10 Dalkeith Rd, Sth Reddish, Stockport, SK5 7EY) and Pete Colley are asking for material for two new fanzines, Malfunction & Madcap. // 64th OMPA mailing totalled 296 pages from 17 members. Another combozine is planned for Easter.
(...or at least, it would have done if we hadn't made this announcement.)
LURK is the title of our new fanzine, our first venture into fan pubbing.
Yes, we know all about the firstish phenomenon, but we're determined to be the exception (probably won't be tho' – SIGH!)
However, YOU LOT out there can brighten up the situation (for us at least), by simply...
C O N T R I B U T I N G !
We've got plenty of artwork, for the time being at least, an' we ain't gonna publish no pomes, but ANYTHING ELSE is welcome.
LURK is intended to be primarily an OMPAzine, but non-OMPAns can get a copy of the firstish simply by sending us their name and address (and a stamp if you're feeling generous). After that, a LoC, contrib. or trade will usually be required. We won't take subs. (Not that you'd be mad enough to pay out MONEY for something like this, now would you?)
With any luck, LURK ONE will appear in the April 1972 OMPA mailing, and is/will be published by:-
MIKE & PAT MEARA, Flat A, 5 Kendleston Road, Derby, ENGLAND.
FANZINES RECEIVED: an asterisk indicates a recommendation.
Afan 2 (d.42pp.A4). Dave Hulvey, Rt 1, Box 198, Harrisonburg, Va 22801, USA. Free. Fannish & general – Arnie Katz, Dennis Stocks, &c.
*Beabohema 17 (d.45pp.A4). Frank Lunney, Box 394, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.18105, USA. 50¢. Fannish & general - Carr/Bok, &c.
*Beabohema 18 (d.35pp.A4). As above – Arnie Katz, Lapidus, Schalles, &c.
Erg 37 (d.20pp.¼o). Terry Jeeves, 230 Bannerdale Rd, Sheffield, S11 9FE. 4/30p. Personal & general – Alan Burns.
Fanews 31/2 (sd.10pp.A4). Uwe Sitzenstock, D-3321 Salzgitter-Ohlendorf, Gartenweg 2, Germany. 10/3.70dm (foreign). German sf & fan news.
*Fangle 1 (d.19pp.A4). Ross Chamberlain, 50 East First St, New York, NY.10003, USA. 35¢. Faanish & personal – Arnie Katz, Bill Kunkel.
*Focal Point 33 (d.29pp.A4). Arnie Katz, 59 Livingston St, Apt 6B, Brooklyn, NY.11201, USA. 3/$1. Faanish – Carr, Glicksohn, Toomey.
Forthcoming SF Books 5 (d.7pp.A4). Joanne Burger, 55 Blue Bonnet Ct, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566, Usa. 4/$1. US books till Dec 1972.
Gamma 6 (sd.2pp.¼o). Phil Spencer, 65 Southdown Rd, Portslade, Brighton, BN4 2HL. Tolkien Society news.
Gamma 7 (sd.2pp.¼o). As above.
Haverings 51 (d.8pp.¼o). Ethel Lindsay, 6 Langley Av, Surbiton, Surrey. 6/40p. Comments on fanzines received.
Hell 3 (d.31pp.¼o). Brian Robinson & Paul Skelton, 9 Linwood Grove, Manchester, M12 4QH. 3p stamp. General.
Is 2 (d.66pp.A4). Tom Collins, 43 Butler St, Meriden, Conn.06450, USA. Free. General – Walter Breen, Marion Z.Bradley, Lowndes, &c.
*Locus 101 (d.8pp.A4). Charlie & Dena Brown, 2078 Anthony Av, Bronx, NY.10457, USA. 12/$3. UK Agent: Malcolm Edwards, 28 Kinch Grove, Wembley, Middx, HA9 9TF. 10/£1.50. Sf news & reviews.
*Locus 102 (d.10pp.A4). As above – Jack Gaughan column.
*Locus 103 (d.21pp.A4). As above – magazine survey, &c.
Mescific 30 (p.22pp.½A4). Fred Hemmings, 20 Beech Rd, Slough, Bucks, SL3 7DQ. 7½p. Fiction & general – Steve Joyce, &c.
Mescific 31 (p.35pp.½A4). As above (9p)
Midgard 9 (d.20pp.fscp). Hartley Patterson, Finches, 7 Cambridge Rd, Beaconsfield, Bucks. Free. Fantasy gaming – final rules (1st draft).
Moebius Trip 10 (d.45pp.A4). Ed Connor, 1805 N.Gale, Peoria, Ill. 61604, USA. 3/$1. Sf & general – Mervyn Barrett, Leon Taylor, &c.
News From Bree 4 (d.8pp.¼o). Hartley Patterson (see above). Free. Tolkien Society news.
Placebo 1 (d.16pp.A4). Moshe Feder & Barry Smotroff, 142-34 Booth Memorial Av, Flushing, NY.11355, USA. 25¢. General – Bill Kunkel.
*Potlatch 6 (d.30pp.A4). Joyce Katz, 59 Livingston St, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA. 35¢. Faanish – Bob Tucker, Carr/Degler, Arnie Katz, &c.
*Potlatch 7 (d.30pp.A4). As above – Carr/Coleman, Arnie Katz, Burley.
Rats! 11 (d.24pp.A4). Bill Kunkel & Charlene Komar, 72-41 61st St, Glendale, NY.11227, USA. 35¢. Faanish – Carr/Chuck Harris, Katz.
Rats! 12 (d.30pp.A4) As above – Carr/White, Greg Shaw, Arnie Katz.
SF Arena 1 (d.11pp.¼o). Ian Williams, 6 Greta Tce, Chester Rd, Sunderland, SR4 7RD. Free. Sf discussion.
*Tomorrow And... 7 (p.22pp.A4). Jerry Lapidus, 54 Clearview Fr, Pittsford, NY.14534, USA. 5/$2. SF & fannish – andy offutt, Koontz, &c.
*Twentieth Century Unlimited 3 (sd.16pp.A4). Andy Porter, 55 Pineapple St, Brooklyn, NY.11201, USA. Personal & general – Glicksohn, &c.
***** * * * * * * ***** | Your last issue, if crossed. Rates on first page. |
***** * * * * * * ***** | Number of your last issue |
CHECKPOINT'S INTERNAL ORGAN: My apologies to a number of people for considerable delays in the mailing of recent issues; my listing has become somewhat unwieldy after fifteen numbers and a new one is now in operation. However, Checkpoint itself will be extremely irregular until my Finals finish in June – common sense and conscience tell me that I should be working at this very moment, in fact... Now, after that, mind, there should be a fair old stream of fanzines (and Mor-farch fanciers may like to know that I'm in touch with Roger Woods once again.)
FRENCH BOOKS AND ASSORTED NEWS: The writer Jean-Pierre Andrevon organized a large convention in Grenoble last month. Some forty films were shown (Metropolis, Dr. Strangelove, &c) and there were several art and comic exhibits (with material by Ed Emsh, Finlay, Gaughan, and so on).
Forthcoming and recent sf books: paperback: J'Ai Lu: Cosmic Rape (Sturgeon), The Caves of Steel (Asimov), The Voyage of the Space Beagle (van Vogt), & The Players of Null A (van Vogt). Denoel: Creatures of Light And Darkness (Zelazny).
Hardback (?): Ailleurs et Demain/Laffont: Bug Jack Barron (Spinrad) Futurs sans Avenirs (J.Sternberg), & Stand on Zanzibar (Brunner). Galaxie/OPTA: Dorsai (Dickson), Isle of the Dead (Zelazny), & Zei (de Camp). CLA/OPTA: Tschai (Vance) & The Fall of the Towers (Delany).
(Philippe Hupp)
FANTASTIC FILMS: Walt Lee (PO Box 66273, Los Angeles, CA 90066, USA) is taking orders for his massive Reference Guide to Fantastic Films. It has 20,000 film listings from 50 countries over a period of 75 years. Prepublication price is $22.50, so it's something for the specialist or fanatic.
Thanks to the Pardoes for the duplicating
Peter Roberts
The Hawthorns
Keele, Staffs
Great Britain