13th May 1971. Vol.II no.2. Restormel Press Pub: 38. |
Checkpoint is a news and reviews zine published by Peter Roberts, The Hawthorns, Keele, Staffs, U.K. every fortnight or so. It can be yours for news or *money*. Subs are 5/20p (2nd Class) or 4/20p (1st Class). Airmail subs are 8/dollar (4/20p). US Agent is Arnie Katz, 59 Livingston St, Apt 6B Brooklyn, NY.11201. Australian Agent is Dave Griggs, 1556 Main Rd, Research, Victoria 3095. Checkpoint 2 is duplicated by Darroll & Rosemary Pardoe, to whom thanks.
EASTERCON NOTES: Pete Weston informs me that this year's Worcester con had a total of 404 registered members and 284 official attendees. The hotel management are described as "very pleased" which isn't too surprising considering their estimated takings of £4000. Sat. night's bar income was reckoned by the staff to be their highest ever, and the management would probably be glad to host another con, if it wasn't for the increasing size of the Easter conventions. Peter is looking for photos of the con, by the way, particularly views of the riverboat. These are for possible publication and will naturally be returned (P.R. Weston, 31 Pinewall Av, Kings Norton, Birmingham, B38 9AE).
Fancy Dress winners: Best Costume – Fred Hemmings (Space Viking). Most Comic – Dave Kyle (Spirit of 1st Fandom). Best Lady's Costume – Eileen Weston (Olivia). Others – Robert Hepworth (The Fly), Alan Donnelly (Yellow Martian), Alan Denham (Overlord), unknown (The Reptile) all from the Aston Sf Group. Special Chairman's Prize – Pauline Dungate.
MELBOURNE IN 75! Robin Johnson writes: "Simultaneous announcements were Made at the Melbourne and Brisbane Cons this Easter of the selection of Melbourne as the site for the forthcoming Australian Convention in 1975, hopefully the 33rd Worldcon." No further news at present.
LOS ANGELES IN 72! Special reduced rates are now available for British members – don't get too excited mind, it's still £2 for the supporting membership. But that's cheaper than five dollars and you don't even have to pay that much postage, since I'm now the UK Agent for the LA Worldcon. The £2 offer is open until August 1st, thereafter it will be £2.50... Supporting membership entitles you to the four Progress Reports (I've just received the first – 20 printed pages with fine Kirk & Barr illoes), the programme book itself, plus a final report after the convention. Join before August, eh?
CHECKPOINT: On trying to find where Keele had hidden its duplicator, I found that it had been removed (probably permanently) and that no other machines were accessible. Thus Darroll & Rosemary Pardoe duplicated both this issue and the last (ta to you both). To make things easier the next few issues will only be four pages in length and will not contain cartoons – back to normal when I return to Bristol.
FANZINES RECEIVED: The following fanzines have all arrived since last issue. An asterisk shows that the issue is recommended. Inclusion in the list doesn't preclude a later, full review....
Canticles From Labowitz 7 (duplicated: 34pp.A4). Gary Labowitz, 1100 Betzwood Dr, Norristown, Pa.19401, USA. 40¢. Fiction – Nelson, Schweitzer. (also includes a reprint of The Planeteer 5 (1936) by Blish & Miller.)
*Qwertyuiop 4 (duplicated: 47pp.quarto). Sam Long, Box 401, RAF Croughton, Nr.Brackley, Northants. 2/-. Fannish & general.
*Energumen 5 (duplicated: 40pp.A4). Mike Glicksohn, 267 St.George St, Apt 807, Toronto 180, Ontario, Canada. 50¢. General – Avram D, Berry, etc.
Pegasus 7 (spirit duplicated: 47pp.A4). Joanne Burger, 55 Blue Bonnet Ct, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566, USA. Free. Sf & general – Schultz, Coulson, etc.
*Outworlds 6 (printed: 32pp.A4). Bill & Joan Bowers, Box 87, Barberton, Ohio 44-203, USA. 50¢ (4/3 dollars . UK Agent: Terry Jeeves, 230 Bannerdale Rd, Sheffield, S11 9FE (17 1/2p). Aus Agent: Michael Cameron (A40¢). Artwork, sf, & general- Greg Benford, Gilliland, Pauls, Rotsler, Fabian.
*Focal Point 25,27 (duplicated: 12pp(ea).A4). Arnie Katz, 59 Livingston St, Apt 6B, Brooklyn, NY.11201, USA. 6/dollar. UK Agent: Peter Roberts. Australian Agent John Bangsund (12/A3 dollars). Fannish & news – Carr.
Entropion 2 (duplicated: 32pp. quarto). Nick Shears, 52 Garden Way, Northcliff Ext 4, Johannesburg, Transvaal, SA. 30¢ (4/R1 or dollar), 20p (6/£1). General & verse – Mervyn Barrett, etc.
Riverside Quarterly 4/4 (printed: 79pp half quarto). Leland Sapiro, Box 40, University Sta, Regina, Canada. 60¢. Sf & verse – Moskowitz, Callahan...
Chao 2 (duplicated: 24pp. quarto). John Alderson, Box 72, PO Maryborough, Victoria, Australia. 20 centsA, 40¢ or 15p. Sf & general.
The Fanarchist 2,3 (duplicated:19 & 20pp: quarto). David Grigg, 1556 Main Rd, 4 Research, Victoria 3095, Australia. 15¢ A. UK Agent: Peter Roberts. 10p. Fannish & general.
*Boy's Own Fanzine 1 (duplicated: 43pp. quarto). Leigh Edmonds & John Foyster, 2/28 Ardmillan Rd, Moonee Ponds, Victoria 3039, Australia. 50¢ A. General – Bangsund, Symonds, etc.
Free Orbit 2 (duplicated: 30pp.fscp). Audrey Walton, 25 Yewdale Cresc, Coventry, Worcs. CV2 2FF. 10p. Fiction.
Aspidistra 1 (duplicated: 24pp.A4). Susan Glicksohn, 267 St.George St, Apt 807, Toronto 180, Ontario, Canada, 25¢. Sf & heavy raps – Gilliland..
*Locus 81 (duplicated: 10pp.A4). Charlie & Dena Brown, 2078 Anthony Av, Bronx, NY 10457, USA. 12/3 dollars, 10/3 dollars 50 in Europe, or 10/3A dollars 50 in Australia. Aus Agent: Bruce Gillespie. News.
*The Little-Read Stool Book (duplicated: 2pp.fscp). Piers R. Koontz, The Pines, Haylett Lane, Merlins Bridge, Haverfordwest, Pembs. Free. "Egregious nonsense".
Parallax 21 (spirit duplicated: 7pp. quarto). julien raasveld, St. Bernardsestenweg 623, B-2710 Hoboken, Belgium. Free. In English. General.
All the above are normally available for trade or contribution (or LoCS, with the exception of the newszines), as well as money.
NEW UK FANZINE: Phil Muldowney & Lisa Conesa have both written to say that they intend publishing Zimri, a fanzine of general interest which is specifically aimed at newcomers from the BSFA and so on. (Phil Muldowney, 7 The Elms, Stoke, Plymouth, Devon). They're on the lookout for contributions, naturally.
BRAVE NEW WORLD FILM: Pat Rowlatt announces that a film of Huxley's novel, Brave New World, is to be made at Simon Fraser Univ. in British Columbia, Canada, where use can be made of the futuristic architecture and suitable student extras. Director will be Peter Hall (Three into Two Won't Go & Perfect Friday) who has been making a name for himself with his circus-like interpretation of Midsummer Night's Dream. Mordecai Roshwald (Level Seven) will also be at the university this month, teaching courses in SF in the Sociology Dept. Like Pat says: emigrate now!
BADGE COMPETITION: A prize of £5 is offered by the BSFA for the best badge design. Entries should be on unruled paper with name, address, and membership number. Send to Ken Eadie, 44 Melverton Av, Bushbury, Wolverhampton, WV10 9HN.
GANNETFANDOM: Harry Bell writes to advertise The North East Gannetfandom & Drinking Society which meets every Tuesday night in the Gannet in Sunderland. Head Dwarf is Ian Williams, 6 Greta Tce, Chester Rd, Sunderland, Co.Durham, SR4 7RD.
FOCAL POINT: I am now British Agent for this, the best fannish newszine in America. Focal Point contains columns (occasional or regular) by such as Terry Carr, Ted White, Bob Shaw, and others. Subs & such have yet to be full arranged, but it'll certainly be available by air and I sincerely recommend it. Arnie Katz is now sole editor, by the way, rich brown having relinquished his position.
ASSORTED NEWS FOR SF FREAKS: Fred Patten says Forgotten Fantasy, a minor US prozine, is folding with its fifth issue; it specialized in obscure Victorian fantasy and was intending to print artwork by such as Alicia Austin, Tim Kirk, and George Barr. Distribution problems finished it. Tom Reamy, from Dallas, is trying to sell sf scripts to Hollywood – not with much success so far. Ned Brooks, 713 Paul St, Newport News, Va.23605, USA, has sent me a Hannes Bok Illustration Index. 24, very thorough, printed pages. Price is one dollar (50¢ to N3F members). Vaughan Bode is also to receive the same treatment. Mervyn Binns has set up the Space Age Bookshop and would appreciate contacts with UK jobbers: Box 126L, Elizabeth St Post Office, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia.
FANZINE COLLECTORS: Robin Johnson, 2/28 Ardmillan Rd, Moonee Ponds, Vic, 3039, Australia, is holding a postal auction on 37 copies of Amra (12, 14-49). Current high bid is £47. Ahem... Meanwhile, the Operation Fantasts have gone to Ed Connor and I now have Pegasus 4,5,& 6 to offer (ed. Joanne Burger) Thick US zines – say 10p each with postage included. Checkpoint Vol 1, 2 is gone – I still have copies of the others, as advertised last issue (2/5p).
BRITISH FANZINE AWARDS? Phil Muldowney suggests some new awards for Eastercons: best British fan writer, best fan artist, and best fanzine. "The Ken McIntyre award is too restrictive," says Phil, "and the Doc Weir is for general fanning and the BSFA. There is no general award that carries any prestige in the fanzine world." Publicity and prestige are Phil's main reasons for the suggestion. It might be an idea for the new series of Novacons, perhaps? Comments?
WAR BULLETIN FOLDED: Dave Berg has finished with his Diplomacy magazine and it will cease publication unless someone else takes it over. This leaves Albion as the only current Diplomacy mag in Britain.
THE SOMERSET GAZETTE 5 (Duplicated – 42pp: 1/4o).
Editor: Noel Kerr, Box 1267L, GPO Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Available for: Trade, LoC, contribution, 4/one dollar 50.(A).
The Somerset Gazette's first year has established it as the foremost Australian fanzine which is not totally devoted to sf (as is SF Commentary its nearest rival) and which is both regular and well-produced. It is connected with the Melbourne SF Club and thus is produced in what appears to be the hot-bed of Australian fanac. This fifth issue contains a report on the MSFC by Mervyn Binns who surveys the state of the group and the rise of fandom throughout the country. It seems to be aimed at the newcomer to the club or interested outsiders and is therefore quite useful as a guide or introduction to the science fictional scene in Australia.
Allan Tompkins' long article on Erle Cox is mildly interesting, but is more than a little obscure. Cox was an Australian author whose most famous sf novel was Out of the Silence (1925). From the brief summary given it appears to be a pastiche of Burroughs or Haggard, but apparently it is a recognized classic both in Australia and America. Allan gives a biography of Cox as well as a checklist of his works.
John Brosnan writes about the double-decker bus trip he undertook last year (from Singapore to Italy) and Robin Johnson completes his Heicon report (which filled all of the fourth issue) with an account of his fannish travels in Britain and the US. The subject matter makes the latter enjoyable and John's style prevents the bus trip saga from becoming too tedious.
Finally there's a fine article on cartoons and their role by Weg and a piece on Australian fandom in the late fifties and early sixties by John Foyster. No letter column, strangely enough, but I can't remember whether this is an ordinary feature.
The Somerset Gazette thus presents a varied selection of articles with the emphasis on 'selection' – there's no overt sign of "publishing-whatever-I-can-get" – and its fine presentation makes it easily the best regular Australian fanzine. Recommended.
COA: Alistair Noyle, 32 Pemberton Park, Gelli Rd, Llanelli, Carms, Cymru.
MIKE MOORCOCK: Alan Brien in The Sunday Times (9.5.71) devotes his column to praising Mike & Jerry Cornelius in particular – plugging like that should do quite a lot for his sales as well as his status...
NEXT ISSUE: Should be out on 30.5.71. Today is May 11th and these stencils may be run off & returned by the end of the week. Complex.
CHECKPOINT 2 | Printed Matter Only. |
from: Peter Roberts,
The Hawthorns,
Keele, Staffs,
Great Britain.
Return Requested if undelivered.