Checkpoint 3
(First Series)


Issue Number Three.
Restormel Press Pub.: 14

Edited & Produced by: Peter Roberts, 87 West Town Lane, Bristol, BS4 5DZ.

American Agent: Richard Labonte, 971 Walkley Rd, Ottawa 8, Ontario, CANADA.

Available for:

Trade (large fnzs also receive Mor-farch and/or Egg).
1/- per copy, 5/- for 6 issues (U.K.)
15¢ per copy, 50¢ for 4 issues (U.S. & Australia)
30¢ per copy -- airmailed directly from me ($1 for 4).
(Please note lower airmail rates ...)

FANZINES REVIEWED in this third issue:


The Argentine SF Review 6

Britain (cont):

Speculation 21


Rataplan 3


Osfic 17


Le Sac A Charbon 5


SF Times 92


Monolith 1

United States:

Cinquefoil 1

Oz 9

SF Newsletter 11

Relativity 3

SF Newsletter 12

Rosemary 1

SF Review 29

Seagull 1


THE ARGENTINE SF REVIEW 6 (Printed -- 30pp: approx ½ foolscap).

Editor: Hector Raul Pessina, Casilla 3869, Correo Central, Buenos Aires.
Available for: Trade, LoC, contribution, show of interest.

The first thing that strikes you when looking through The Argentine SF Review is that the editor must be working in a degree of isolation which would normally be impossible for anyone publishing a magazine; after all this is nearly all written in a foreign language (though a certain amount of Spanish material is present) and with one exception the contributors all come from abroad -- contact must be established and maintained solely through correspondence (and foreign feedback in the way of LoCs, subscriptions, and contributions is minimal, as any fanzine editor will tell you).

The magazine is professionally printed, but lacks many of the advantages made possible by this form of reproduction; the layout, for example, is competent, but uninteresting -- illustrations consisting almost entirely of book covers and some spindly cartooning by Terry Jeeves. An improvement here would transform the magazine and give it a vitality which it now lacks.

The most interesting feature of this sixth issue is an article by the editor on time travel and science fictional stories and novels which deal with it (in fact there is a checklist of books immediately afterwards -- though curiously only of time travel novels published by Ace ...). Douglas Fulthorpe contributes a time travel story which is sadly unoriginal and is only of average fan fiction standards (not a great commendation I'm afraid). Sammy Wolpin, a fellow Argentinian, provides some verse and 'Adavac 130-M', a brief story -- both pieces are unfortunately in Spanish.

Finally there are some average reviews of U.S. paperbacks (although a volume of Argentinian SF sounds more interesting), followed by some poor 'reviews' of films which simply relate the plot (not too great an idea with Planet of the Apes, for example), and a piece by Terry Jeeves on astrophilately -- a subject which should be explored at far greater length, perhaps with the aid of one of the several special catalogues (not a 1964 Simplified...).

Anyway, the Argentine SF Review is well produced and not without its interesting points. The English throughout is perfect, and all Hector really needs to create a fine fanzine is more and better contributions -- something that increased publicity may hopefully bring him.



RATAPLAN 3 (Duplicated -- 24pp: US.Quarto)

Editors: Leigh Edmonds & Diane Bangsund, PO Box 19, Ferntree Gully, Victoria, 3156 & Bernie Bernhouse, 62 Military Road, Avondale Heights, Victoria.
Available for: Trade (2 copies), LoC, contribution, 30¢.

Rataplan is really a very curious fanzine. At one moment it appears to be some sort of Australian focal-point magazine, at other times it reads like a personal apazine, and then again it occasionally gives the impression of being an ordinary, vaguely international genzine. Put another way -- the editorials are personal, the articles are international, and the letter column is largely Australian.

Hiding behind a possibly esoteric cartoon cover are three fine, but entirely uncontroversial editorials -- no opinions, no meditations, just three personal accounts -- Leigh's concerns an embarrassing situation in an office typing pool (though naturally the incident could have been avoided, ignored, or laughed at -- it wasn't however and the result is an amusing anecdote). Bernie's recounts a meeting at the Bangsund/Edmonds 'Slanshack' -- a fine piece, if overwritten at times. Finally Diane writes a far quieter account of how the fannish centre was ever formed (and this seems to be the first of several episodes). All three then are well-written, amusing, and good apazine stuff.

Three articles -- all good, all of interest to any reader. Bruce Gillespie reviews the film The War Game in some detail and with some thought (and it is indeed a film worth seeing and considering); R. D. Symons then talks 'About Dowsing' and his own ability at water diving (unexplainable by his own admission); I remember a very boring lecture by a Geology professor who spent 50 minutes proving that divining was nonsense (with the aid of personal anecdotes and strata diagrams) -- I bowed tiredly to his superior knowledge, more in defeat than agreement ... Finally, someone unnamed demonstrates the absurdities of a B.E.A. timetable -- a brilliant volume of asterisked confusion.

Lastly, Leigh reviews some fanzines in 'Cheap Chippy Chopper' -- quite well, though I think it entirely unfair to criticise, for example, Oof 10 simply on the smallness of its print and not mention any of the contents. The letter column is short and good -- all Australian save for a fine missive from Gray Charnock (provoked by a dismal review of Phile in the previous issue).

Rataplan is good -- no doubt about it. But it lacks something which could make it even better and I'd say it was cohesion together with a positive editorial line. Not that it's very likely with three editors, I suppose, but still ...



LE SAC A CHARBON 5 (Spirit Duplicated -- 4pp: UK.Quarto). In French.

Editor: Michel Feron, 7 Grand Place, Hannut.
Available for: Trade, show of interest.

There's not too much you can say about this -- the contents consist simply of brief reviews of fanzines received within the space of one month (theoretically -- it's none too regular). Twenty one are dealt with in two pages, so they're even briefer than those in Haverings, but addresses and terms are given in full which is fair enough, I suppose. It's mainly of interest to fan editors (who are never averse to a nice piece of egoboo) and is particularly noteworthy for its coverage of continental fanzines (nine German, six Belgian, one French and a Swedish are covered in this issue). Useful mainly for this latter feature.



MONOLITH 1 (Duplicated -- 32pp: UK.Quarto).

Editor: Mike Ashley, 8 Shurland Avenue, Sittingbourne, Kent.
U.S. Agent: Randy Williams, Box 581, Liberty, NC 27298, USA.
Available for: Trade, LoC (plus 7d postage), contributions, 1/9.

Monolith is the result of a combination between two former fanzines of Mike's -- Plinth and Xeron; the former contained checklists and the latter fiction, so you can imagine that the resulting hybrid is a very curious creature indeed.

The cover is pure sword and sorcery by Brian Frost and purposes to illustrate a scene from a Brak the Barbarian short, 'The Girl in the Gem'. It's not too brilliant, but fair enough resembling something from Brian McCabe ... Anyway, this is followed by an opening story -- the second part of an s&s serial concerning Ulf the Strong. Adrian Cook's writing isn't too bad (although anachronisms appear), but the subject is so typical of 1,000 s&s stories that any virtues are unfortunately nullified. Perhaps it would be fairer to suspend judgement until the conclusion of the serial.

Immediately after this, however, there is a massive checklist of sf & fantasy magazines from 1892 on (complete with full dates, number of issues, and so on) followed later by checklists and brief notes on two authors: Piers Anthony and David Redd. Now as far as I'm concerned this is fine -- I find such checklists both interesting and useful; but mixed up with the rest of the magazine ('Mirkwood', a column of odds and ends including book reviews (s&s and Rapp & Whiting), newspaper cuttings, fanzine listing, and so on it renders the whole issue into a collection of assorted oddments which look as if they've just been thrown together. The result is naturally rather messy and could perhaps have been avoided. Still, Monolith is of value for the checklists alone ...


OZ 9 (Duplicated -- 38pp: UK.Quarto).

Editor: Beryl Mercer, 10 Lower Church Lane, St. Michael's, Bristol, BS2 8BA.
Available for: Trade, LoC, contribution, show of interest.
Distributed through: OMPA 52nd mlg.

Oz (and Beryl thought of the title first) is probably the best fanzine to appear regularly in OMPA, combining, as it does, personal natterings and opinions, mailing comments (though not in this issue), and a couple of guest columns interspersed with the odd article.

In this ninth issue, Beryl describes a fannish visit to London last summer and a later, return visit by fans to Bristol. There then follows a review of Votan (an historical novel dealing with Celtic myth and legend) by Beryl herself, followed immediately by a letter from John James, the author, commenting on an earlier article by Roberta Gray (on Celtic folklore) who then follows this letter with a few pages of further comment. Ok? All this is really a bit obscure to anyone not acquainted with the subject, but it seems exceptionally well informed.

'Reader's Cramp' is a collection of reviews and comments on some of the novels and non-fiction that Beryl has read recently. There are long sections on Miss Thirkell, Frank Yerby (considered as a misogynist), and myth &magic. All are quite fair, but necessitate some knowledge of the authors and subjects -- something that I don't possess.

Both guest columns are brilliant; Archie Mercer's 'Oh Didn't He Ramble' is the usual Mercatorial investigation of oddities and absurdities combined with some thoughts and opinions on various new developments (on this occasion food colouring and the two tier letter system) -- it's always amusingly written and interesting. Even better though is Don Studebaker's 'The Naked Artichoke' -- a magnificent piece of near fantasy concerning a Californian marriage (his own); it's one of those rare pieces which should be in something better than a fanzine, but for some reason isn't. Oz is normally an enjoyable & unpretentious apazine (no artwork, little layout), but Don Studebaker transforms this issue into something exceptionally fine. Recommended.


RELATIVITY 3 (Duplicated -- 39pp: UK.Quarto).
Editor: Bryn Fortey, 90 Caerleon Road, Newport, Monmouthshire, NPT 7BY.
Available for: Trade, LoC, contribution, show of interest.

The trouble with Relativity is simply that the editor is too kind-hearted and has a tendency to publish anything that's sent to him (even a fanzine editor has to turn down a certain proportion of material received); thus Relativity suffers in the same way as many other magazines (Beabohema, Quark, and so on) -- there is no real editing. The good stuff is hidden amongst the bad.

Nevertheless, Relativity's fiction is usually of a very high standard and this third issue presents two very fine pieces: Mike Scantlebury's 'The Man On The Line' (a very short, quiet story like most of Mike's) and Greg Pickersgill's 'Jitter' (something of a pastiche perhaps, but a fine attempt at a cohesive, experimental form which results in a vivid piece of writing -- oddly amusing in places too ...) -- the best thing Greg has achieved so far.

Unfortunately the vitality of these two pieces is dispersed in the hopeless gloom of the remaining contributions. Jack Newman's article on Arthur Machen is not without interest, but really any new articles about this author should attempt something more than the brief perusal of his work presented here (an out of print Penguin collection, Holy Terrors, should be added to the paperback list, incidentally). Still, compared to the rest -- a childish story by Pamela Louch, some entirely non-descript verse, a one page 'article' on the occult by Rob Wood, and a poor letter column (the excerpts from parts of LoCs which followed were far better) -- it wasn't at all bad. Artwork is poor, except for a simple, bold front cover by Martin Pitt, but considering the whole magazine was produced on a flatbed duplicator, the reproduction is not at all bad.

Relativity, therefore, could become a fine, chiefly fictional fanzine, presenting fewer and better stories; after all, consider the work in previous issues by Chris Priest, Gray Charnock, Gray Boak, and others -- all well above average. But a lot of weeding out is necessary before that can successfully take place.


ROSEMARY 1 (Duplicated -- 10pp: UK.Quarto).

Editor: Mary Reed, 5 Park Close, Longmeadow, Stevenage, Herts.
Available for: LoC, 1/-.
Distributed through: OMPA 52 mlg.

This is only a small fanzine intended almost entirely for OMPA, but since copies are available for outside distribution, I've included a short review here.

The 'Odds & Ends' sections in Crabapple are usually entertaining and Rosemary is more of the same, written in diary form and including quotes, short reports, jokes, observations, and so on. Perhaps this could have been achieved in a better way (regarding arrangement, choice, and general presentation), since the whole thing looks as if it was rushed off in some haste and the typing and layout is vile. Still, it is primarily an apazine (a sub-genre not normally noted for superior format and style) and as such is a fair and amusing piece of work. Nothing too special though.


SEAGULL 1 (Duplicated -- 20pp: UK.Quarto).

Editor: Rosemary Nicholls, 32 Coniston Ave., Headington, Oxford, OX3 0AN.
Available for: LoC, contribution, trade, show of interest.

There is an unfortunate, but noticeable tendency for new faneditors to emulate the style and appearance of the fanzines they are most familiar with, and I must say that Rosemary Nicholls' Seagull looks very much like Rosemary (reviewed above) and had a great deal in common with Crabapple and even Monolith. This, I would suggest, is through lack of knowledge of other fanzines and hopefully this lack may be rectified through trade and exchange. Anyway, it's always a pleasure to see a new fanzine and Seagull may well develop into something if the editor asserts her individuality.

Like most first issues, Seagull 1 is something of a mixture. Mike Ashley contributes a short article on 'prehistoric sf stories' -- a piece which does little more than list stories without attempting to interpretate [sic] anything from them or examine their characteristics, themes, or literary value. Ken Cheslin's 'Who was Robin Hood?' is far more detailed and should certainly interest anyone concerned with mythology and legend, but Rosemary's own 'The Story of Sedna' (a piece of Esquimaux myth) is somewhat dull in contrast.

The remainder of the magazine is filled out with some average verse, brief reviews of the first Leonard Cohen lp and The Chronicles of Narnia, and a mass of oddities and fillers, resulting in an average first issue; nothing of any real merit, therefore, but holding the promise of future development. Seagull may yet fly.


SPECULATION 21 (Duplicated -- 31pp: UK.Quarto).

Editor: Pete Weston, 81 Trescott Road, Northfield, Birmingham 31.
Available for: Trade, LoC, contribution, 2/6, 35¢ ($1 for 3 issues).

Twenty one issues of Speculation and even in this new reduced size there's a lot of very good stuff within its pages.

Highlight of this issue is Jannick Storm's interview with J. G. Ballard, originally recorded as part of a programme on sf for Danish radio. As might be expected, this is as enlightening and informative as any interview can be and presents Ballard's views on the nature of sf, his own writing as a departure from the conventional, the influence of William Burroughs on his style, the nature of his 'advertisements', and finally some opinions of fans and fandom. On this latter point, I'd probably agree with his assessment of fans, except where he stated that " ...they're a great handicap to science fiction and always have been." Surely the point is that they would be if they mattered to sf at all; but sf doesn't need fans -- they're a minority with little real influence, and fortunately are in little position to block original thinking.

The remainder of Speculation 21 seems devoted to Alexei Panshin with reviews of his novels by F. M. Busby, Piers Anthony, and Bob Rickard (Rite of Passage, Starwell, and The Thurb Revolution are discussed). Tom Disch reviews Black Easter, Charles Platt takes The Daughters of Earth, M. John Harrison condemns Restoree (and rightly), and F. M. Busby considers Catch a Falling Star, Now Wait For Last Year, and The Heaven Makers. All naturally well done.

Finally, Bob Parkinson considers Phil Dick 'Greater Than Heinlein' -- a fine comparison of the two authors, but considering the subject it was somewhat short. Anyway, an incredible letter column featuring Harlan Ellison savaging Franz Rottensteiner for criticising him in a previous issue finishes this twenty first Speculation off. Trying to review this fanzine makes me realise how little of the sf field I've explored -- with a few exceptions, I find that I just don't know enough to criticise or comment. But Speculation serves to stimulate reading and to inform, and it's very good at both. Recommended.



OSFIC 17 (Printer -- 23pp: US.Quarto).

Editor: Peter Gill, 18 Glen Manor Drive, Toronto 13, Ontario.
Available for: Trade, LoC, contribution, 40¢ (10 issues for $3).

Osfic, the Ontario SF Club's 'official organ', is based on much the same idea as, say, the WSFA Journal -- in other words, it conveys news to members of the group (and news of the group to outsiders) whilst combining this with articles, stories, letters, and reviews from outside sources.

The whole thing can therefore be termed competent, but not inspiring; like other 'official organs' it seems divided in its purpose: Book (mainly S&s) and fanzine reviews are average although only three of the latter are looked at and then briefly. 'Through the Glass Lightly' is a well-written but slightly obvious 'twist-ending' story by Peter Gill himself and besides some esoteric 'Club News' and a non-descript letter column (bad layout made interpretation difficult) that concludes Osfic 17.

Offset reproduction is naturally good and does justice to the fine Derek Carter cover and full page Bodé interior illo; it's a pity, though, that poor layout and continually atrocious spelling made reading Osfic a little difficult, but nevertheless it's an interesting fanzine which could be improved still more by greater care in presentation.



SCIENCE FICTION TIMES 92 (Printed -- 44pp: approx.US.Quarto). In German.

Editor: Hans Joachim Alpers, 2850 Bremerhaven 1, Weissenburger Str. 6.
Available for: Trade, LoC, contribution, DM 7.50 for 12 issues.

As usual SF Times keeps to a high standard, presenting continental news and reviews in considerable detail. There is a comprehensive list of new and forthcoming German hard and paperback releases, followed by film and tv reviews (including one of The Yellow Submarine with the Pepperländer beset by Blaumiesen ...). The news section is briefer than usual, but includes sections on Russia and West Germany. Consistently interesting.

The bulk of the issue is devoted to lengthy reviews -- first of new U.S. paperbacks, then English language sf magazines (including New Worlds), and finally new German sf. That's it then -- an ideal magazine for the fan who is seriously interested in continental sf; well-produced, regular, and efficient. Recommended.


United States

CINQUEFOIL 1 (Duplicated -- 39pp: US.Quarto).

Editor: James Koval, 7626 Balfour Street, Allen Park, Michigan 48101.
Available for: Trade, contribution, money (unspecified).

Cinquefoil is a curious magazine that looks as if it was directed at a mainly non-fannish audience -- perhaps a student one. But nevertheless, its content is sf orientated and consists largely of what is normally termed 'fan fiction'. It's slightly better than most and slightly more pretentious (a feeling confirmed by some of the articles). Anyway, in more detail ...

The editorial is being "used in lieu of the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy ..." Now that's what I call an arresting way to start a magazine -- writing as a murder substitute. But unfortunately, that wasn't the case; James writes a rather vague entreaty for the re-awakening of the spirit of humanity and prays for a return to God. Some of the sentiments are eminently worthy as indeed is the feeling behind them, but addressed to something as petty as a fanzine audience, a plea for sanity is sadly rendered ludicrous.

Bill Kunkel's 'A Question of What's Essential' is probably the most interesting thing in Cinquefoil. It's a post-disaster story which portrays the stimulation of action in an apathetic survivor of a wondering clown, the Green Lizard; yet naturally after an atomic war, the virtues of involvement and action are dubious ... It could have been written better, but it's an intriguing piece. The same applies to James's own 'Catalyst' -- a short story centred on a 'non-sense man', a man deprived of his physical senses. But the remaining fiction is unfortunately on a lower level: 'Freudian Slip' is too obvious, too clichéd -- " ...firm buds of her womanhood ..." blecch! Only interesting thing is a reference to "his taut groins" -- the mid boggles. Ronald Audette's 'Sad Creatures of the Night' is boring and empty, I'm afraid.

Reviews are competent, but it's 2001 and Dangerous Visions again (although Langdon Jones' Eye is considered). Finally, there's a transcript of a tv discussion between Harlan Ellison, Robert Bloch, Norman Spinrad, and others -- they don't say anything startling though.

A photo of Harlan Ellison constitutes the entire artwork which is a pity since Cinquefoil just doesn't look interesting -- if I hadn't started Checkpoint, I probably wouldn't have read it. But it's pretty good -- very good for a first issue, in fact, and I trust there'll be more.


SCIENCE FICTION NEWSLETTER 11 (Printed -- 8pp: US.Quarto).

Editor: Don Blyly, 825 West Russell Street, Peoria, Illinois, 61606.
Available for: Trade, contribution, LoC, 15¢ (10 issues for $1.25).

It's something of a misleading title, for this small magazine contains no news or reviews and is largely made up of fiction; in this issue it's a piece of dismal whimsy by W. G. Bliss titled 'Time of the Ottos -- The Job' which concerns an anachronistic emigrant character ("Von more screw ..." etc) and it doesn't have even the interest that that quote might suggest.

The editor rambles through a brief introduction, pausing to hit out at 'Blurp writers'. 'Blurb' possibly, but I've never to my knowledge seen a 'blurp' (and it's repeated too often to be a typo ...). He later reviews a couple of fanzines in some depth and quite honestly this is the most interesting thing in SF Newsletter, or at least the eleventh issue. Finally, Don comments on Han Ellison's speech at the University of Chicago -- not a sufficiently detailed report to be of any real value, but still ...

Not too wonderful a fanzine, I'm afraid. I can't even blame the limited space allowed by the format, since I've seen what Gray Charnock achieved in a four page Sub-Phile. Perhaps the sinister legend 'Published by the Peoria High School SF Club' has something to do with it, but even so ...



More 'Time of the Ottos', I'm afraid -- 'A Faire Upon the Spring Aire'. Still with the "Dot iss…" and "I neffer heard of dot von", and after reading this I neffer want to read any more of dot von either ... sadly bad, I fear. Don Blybly's editorial concerns 'communicating' with other people; it's a pity, considering the subject, that he didn't actually say anything ... But still, it's a little better than the 'blurp writers'.

Randy Powell has been given the job of fanzine reviewing and shows that he can do it pretty badly. The most interesting thing in this issue of SF Newsletter is a LoC from Jack Gaughan concerning Ace covers; not much of a commendation for the rest of the fanzine, I'm afraid.


SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW 29 (Printed -- 68pp: ½ US.Quarto).

Editor: Richard Geis, P.O. Box 3116, Santa Monica, Calif. 90403.
U.K. Agent: Ethel Lindsay, Courage House, 6 Langley Avenue, Surbiton, Surrey.
Available for: Trade, LoC, contribution, 50¢, 4/-.

Not to be confused with the above under any circumstances, and I don't suppose SF Review ever will be. It's a Hugo nominee (best fanzine, natch) and hopefully should win, since it presents a mixture of straight sf, humour, and a light examination of fans and fandom, all finely done and carefully brought together.

'Dialog', the editorial, is a cleverly constructed piece of schizophrenia in which Dick Geis considers J. J. Pierce's now infamous 'SF and the Romantic Tradition' and condemns it harshly and fairly (following it with some brief comments on Candy and several other recent films). Ted White's column, 'The Trenchant Bludgeon', is announced as his last, since his new editorship of Amazing and Fantastic will take up most of his time in future. It's a great pity because Ted White's fan writing is always entertaining, if generally absurd; absurd because he finds fandom sadly important and gives the impression of finding the importance it gives him of some real consequence and even necessary: Big Fish, perhaps ... but the pond is very shallow.

Norman Spinrad's column, 'New World Coming', investigates the structure of an sf novel, the difficulties in creating characters and a universe both of which must be real. He then relates this to John Brunner's Stand on Zanzibar and discusses the novel at length. This forms an introduction to the reviews proper: Alexis Gilliland smiles at The Yellow Submarine (the Beatles did not do the cartoon voices, incidentally) and books are well covered by Piers Anthony, Dean Koontz, Bob Toomey, and others -- just about the right length too. Banks Mebane rounds things off with a look at recent short stories in the sf magazines.

On the more fannish side, Arthur Jean Cos writes about 'Fans we all know... And perhaps wish we didn't' -- this time it's The Old Guard. A fine piece of carefully barbed humour -- only thing is that by the time the column finally closes, we're going to wish we didn't know any fans.

'Push Pull -- Clique-Clique' is Al Snider's view of the seemingly introverted and divided microcosm of Los Angeles fandom -- neatly done with a good sprinkling of controversy. A summation of the whole magazine indeed -- including the excellent letter column (the one the professional chose to feud in ...) and even the fine cartooning!

SF Review is the finest fanzine now available. What more can I say? Recommended.


LETTERS: (Checkpoint is not available for LoCs).

Checkpoint 2 came out exactly a week ago, but I have received letters of comment/interest from Leigh Edmonds, Bryn Fortey, Hartley Patterson, and John Hall. John Hall's attack on my review of Zine and reviewing in general will be printed next issue when I should have sufficient room (C/p should be back to ten or twelve pages ...). Thanks, anyway, to all who write.


John Muir wants new fanzines. LoCs or money guaranteed -- send to: 50 Holker Street, Manchester, M13 0DE, U.K.

Hartley Patterson is also looking for fanzines & may take out subs: 31 Sandelswood End, Beaconsfield, Bucks., U.K.

(Note his new address. The Manchester one is now obsolete).

SALE OF PAPERBACKS continues ... Ken Bulmer novels listed last time, now --

Andre Norton
(mint condition. postage included)

Galactic Derelict ... Ordeal in Otherwhen
The Time Traders ... The Defiant Agents
Judgement on Janus ... Sea Siege/Eye of the Monster
-- above six Ace books @ 3/- each.

Eric Frank Russell
(good to mint condition. postage included)

Three to Conquer (Penguin) Dreadful Sanctuary (NEL)
With A Strange Device (Penguin)
Dreadful Sanctuary (Lancer). All @ 2/- each.

Contact me if you're interested -- PJR.

SUBSCRIBERS, Friends and Others -- a cross here ... means no more Checkpoints unless money is received. A number indicates the last C/p you are paid up to. EDITORS -- the next issue you'll receive is ... when your fnz .................. will be reviewed. I'm afraid you'll have to sub to other issues (your review issues naturally free). Ok?


Peter Roberts,
87 West Town Lane,
Bristol, BS4 5DZ,